Wednesday, September 15, 2010

True Blood

Here is a fact: I am one of the desensitized youth of America.  I sat on my father's lap while he played Return to Castle Wolfenstein in the 90s (that's the one with zombie nazis.)  When I was old enough to wield the keyboard myself (read this neat article about how PC gamers are better than console gamers.) I played Grand Theft Auto like a professional car thief/prostitute beater.  I was certain that there was no movie too bloody, no violence too guesome and unneccesary, no clip of Anna Paquin's voice annoying enough to make me cringe.

And then I started watching True Blood.  I just finished Season 1 last night, and that show is effed up, man.  You can hear me in my room, audibly cringing and screaming in disgust everytime someone gets staked and explodes in a veritable fountain of blood.  The first ten minutes of the first episode were too much for me to handle, almost.

The thing that finally made me break down and add the first two seasons to my Netflix queue was that there are two alums from the University of Evansville Theatre Department, and that is excellent.  One day I'd like to be on a ludicrously violent and over-sexed HBO show and have UET students watch me get bitten and chased by supernatural creatures.  I really don't know how I feel about True Blood yet, though.  I'm not sure how many out of five stars I should rate the first season.

What I do know is that this show is one of the last things in America with the ability to shock people anymore.

Or maybe I'm insane.  Any way, if you've been on the fence about watching True Blood, go ahead and take the plunge.  You will find it ludicrous in both really great and really terrible ways.


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